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Paluxy River Realty

paluxy river realty

Paluxy River Realty: Personalized Service Makes the Difference

Our goal is to get results that are tailor-made to our buyers’ and sellers’ needs. We go the extra mile to get it right. We do the “little” things that count to help the transferring executive find the most compatible home for his or her family.

We contact our buyers before they move. We listen to what they tell us and really hear what they say – in order to match them with the new home they’re looking for in the shortest time possible, with the least inconvenience.

Our broker-owner leadership makes us uniquely capable of quick action and personalized decisions – an impossible task for the giant firms. We are warm and friendly people working together in one office. We’ll know you when you call.

Paluxy River Realty Makes the Difference Between a Smooth or Stressful Move

We understand the problems involved with relocating. We have the expertise to make that experience as pleasant as possible – reducing to a minimum the “in limbo”, unsettled feeling that accompanies any major change of this kind. Our experts discuss the buyer’s needs, guide him or her to choice areas, preview and carefully screen homes to avoid tiresome and fruitless trips.


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